If you didn't realize it yet -- it's winter here in Minnesota. We've been fortunate to have very little snow so far, but after this latest dumping it's good to learn about some cool car features we all have.

Ok, so the tweet below is very 'tongue and cheek', as this Chisago County deputy explains these amazing technology advances in all vehicles! My assumption is there's forgetful Minnesotans that can't remember some of the basics of driving in winter weather due to brain frostbite.

I'm sure he speaks for all Minnesota law enforcement who have to coordinate pulling vehicles out of the ditch due to driving too fast for road conditions. With the current road conditions being dangerous, it might be good to revisit a YouTube video on this "gas pedal technology" if you're having trouble remembering how it works.

Another thing I'd like to point out, and this is thanks to the big dually truck that must have been in a hurry to get their $27 Starbucks coffee this morning, is there's a reason everybody is driving in the right lane. It's plowed and semi-clear and safe to drive on. The left lane is slick and snow covered, and not safe to drive on. Not only are you endangering yourself by flying past everybody at 70 MPH in that lane, but also others as you create a whiteout condition to everybody you pass.

If you come across this type of bone-head, here's a great video to help you stay safe:

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