A Needed Reminder About Using Headlights In Minnesota Snow Storms
It can be a frustrating experience to drive past someone that isn't using their headlights in a snow storm. It's hard to see them until they are pretty close to your vehicle, which can come into play when planning a turn or lane change.
With that being said, the Chisago County Sherriff's Office used an easy-to-follow analogy when describing how to use vehicle headlights during inclement weather.
***The below content is intended to be read with a thick, full on Minnesota accent. Enjoy. ***
Ok you guys. We’re gonna be getting some snow tomorrow. Apparently we need to have a little chat about headlights in the snow.The auto function is about as reliable as a Minnesota sports team in the playoffs. As soon as you put your faith in it, it’s gonna rip your heart out.So ya gotta go full manual mode on that sucker.You need to go two more clicks. Don’t stop at auto. Two. Clicks. Just tell auto to let me squeeze right past ya there…then holy buckets yar there.
Just dont stop at auto. If ya stop at auto, just remember it’s still two more clicks. The same number of championship sport titles Minnesota claims.Just remember, 87, 91, and you’re done. That auto function is gonna let you down like a 1998 field goal kick by Gary Anderson. Go full send manual.
In my opinion, the post makes a great point, specifically about the 'auto' headlight feature. Some people (cough..my wife... cough) use that feature EXCLUSIVELY and will NOT deviate. "The car knows best," they say. However, there are a lot of low-light conditions that call for headlights but are maybe not quite dark enough to trigger the 'automatic' lights.
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