CDC Recommends Limited Thanksgiving and No Black Friday
The Center For Disease Control has set up its recommended guidelines for this 2020 COVID pandemic season. They basically said to stay home. It's okay to have a very small Thanksgiving gathering but NO BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPING.
I’m not a Black Friday shopper anyway. To me, it’s consumerism at its worst, with people pushing, shoving, and running over each other just to get some TV, at a cheap price, from a company they have never heard of.
There is also the fact that people would actually sacrifice a company paid holiday to get up early to shop, instead of using it to rest and recover. I'll never understand that.
So basically, I couldn’t care less if Black Friday doesn’t happen. I know some people like it and have some tradition with it. To those people, I’m sorry, I guess.
But the good news for those old school, get up way too early, holiday shoppers. There is this great thing called THE INTERNET. You might have heard of it before. Right now you might be saying “WHAT?”
I know, it is genius. It actually allows you to shop for most of your holiday gifts without leaving the comfort of your house and dealing with the crazy people. Plus -- I hope you’re sitting down for this – it offers crazy, low prices. Just like the real stores do.
You see. All is not lost.
COVID is not going to take our Christmas or Thanksgiving away. It will be different and just limit it for a year. I think we'll be okay.
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