If You’re Still Using These Passwords…STOP!
It's 2018 folks (almost 2019) and some people out there are still using passwords like "123456". You might as well get a bullhorn and shout to the world "PLEASE! HACK ME!".
So what are the most common, easy, and hackable passwords people are still using? There's a company called SplashData that goes through all the lists of hacked passwords that get leaked on the Internet and here's the results.
- 123456 (unchanged from last year)
- password (unchanged)
- 123456789 (up 3)
- 12345678 (down 1)
- 12345 (unchanged)
- 111111 (new)
- 1234567 (up 1)
- sunshine (new)
- qwerty (down 5)
- iloveyou (unchanged)
If your password is any of these, change it now. Check out the rest of the worst here.