Laurence Krinke, 84, Garrison
December 14, 1940 - January 7, 2025
Laurence Lloyd Krinke, born December 14, 1940 passed away on January 7, 2025 at his home of natural causes.
He joins his beloved wife Marjorie D Krinke who recently passed away on July 17, 2024. He decided it was time to go be with “the one he brought to the dance” as he always said.
Larry started out life in the West 7th neighborhood in St Paul. He was known to eat great quantities of food prompting his mother to pin a note to his clothing telling the neighbors not to feed him. In his high-school year book, several wrote they believed him to have hollow legs for all he ate. Whenever he hosted a meal, no one ever went away hungry.
From high-school he went on to join the Navy where he became a radio-man with top security clearance. He traveled all over the world, and though he hadn’t yet met her, bought his future bride a perfect diamond in Korea and tucked it in his cheek for safe-keeping until he was back on board his tug.
After his time in the Navy ended, he returned to Minnesota and went to work as a temporary hire for the state and met his wife, our mother.
Larry and Marge had three children and are survived by those three children. Pamela (Gerald) Thorp, Tamara Brown, and Kevin (Ashley) Krinke.
During those younger child-raising years, Larry worked for Edison Brothers and had many acclaims and managerial and sales awards. Some of his managerial regulations were adopted company wide. During this time they lived in Dearborn Michigan.
In time, it was decided they should move to be close to family and returned to Minnesota, where they started out working for Midway Skelly with his father-in-law George Jaderston. It was there he learned to be a mechanic.
Subsequent to his time at Midway Skelly, he and Marge ventured out on their own, buying a two-bay garage with a car wash in New Brighton, MN. After several years, they converted that to a convenience store - Krinke’s Korner, later known as Tank ‘N Tummy. They created an extensive “family” there with the regulars who pitched in to make coffee, clean counters and you name it. It came to be known as a popular stop for college kids at Northwestern and Bethel University, and was a neighborhood staple.
After they sold that business, they went on to buy a book store in Little Falls which was operated for about twenty years. During that time, Larry also worked at the Mille Lacs Casino managing the high-stakes gambling area.
Larry has always been known for his sense of humor and his love of “mooning” just about anyone and everyone. Everywhere he went, he could leave people in stitches and he had a very wry, dry sense of humor.
In addition to his fondness for overfeeding people, he loved his lawn and took great pride in keeping it in shape. He was a great gardener and had many beautiful annuals and perennials to show for it. He canned superb applesauce from his apple trees in the fall.
Larry loved his Lord and Savior and now will get to spend eternity there with his wife along with his mother, Eleanore Krinke and Albert Krinke, both of whom also proceeded him in death.
Larry was also proceeded in death by his siblings Charles (Sue) Krinke , Albert (Judy) Krinke and Jill Krinke.
Larry is survived not only by his children, but by grandchildren Brandon (Chelsea) Hunziker, Sarah Ellies, Emmalie Krinke, Sean (Lexi) Krinke, and Haley Brown, and two step-grandchildren Dan Thorp and Amy (Nathan) Wagner. He is also survived by several great-grand children.
Larry was loved by many, and will be missed by many. Rest in peace Dad, we will see you on the other side. xoxo
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