Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation Build 77 New Homes for Homeless Vets
Jon Bon Jovi is quite the musical talent, but lately I've been hearing and reading all these stories about him being quite the philanthropist.
Half a million dollars was donated through his "Help For The Homeless" in Washington, D.C. This just sits so well with me. I think one thing we need to do is take better care of our veterans and Jon has taken it upon himself to do that.
Last week, I learned he has a few restaurants where the hungry can go eat at no cost. Which is so amazing. You just don't hear stories like this everyday. Now hearing about what he is doing for veterans, Jon has more than impressed me with his generous heart.
The project has taken ten years to complete with the help of nonprofit called “Help USA,” whose goal is to tackle the issue of homelessness in the United States.
Oftentimes, they’re [veterans] left to deal with PTSD [post-traumatic stress disorder] and the issue of coming back to the workplace after leaving the battlefield. Life as you knew it is going to be different, and sometimes, people need that extra help.
The facility for homeless veterans, Walter Reed facility, has a courtyard, a gym, and a computer room. Spending time on the streets alone causes people to become isolated, therefore, they have a lounge as a standard meeting room. The idea is that the lounge may help the veterans to socialize and feel better when they’re around other people.
This veteran complex isn’t the first time Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation built homes for those in need. In 1989, the organization constructed a facility called Jon Bon Jovi Soul Homes. The facility takes in a mix of individuals, such as the homeless, teens aging out of foster care, and those with low-income. -Bon Jovi
I have always liked Bon Jovi's music and I've been touched by his recent work to serve others that have served us.
Check out this interview "Help for the Homeless":
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