Minnesotans Share Their Hometown’s Biggest Scandal
Without sharing names, what's your hometown's biggest scandal?
Back in 2012, a woman named Rita Crundwell was arrested and sentenced to 19.5 years in prison after it was discovered that she'd embezzled $53.7 million dollars from my hometown of Dixon, IL. As it turned out, Rita -- the appointed controller and treasurer of Dixon -- had been stealing money for over 22 years to support her championship American Quarter Horse breeding operation. The news shook the community and even made international headlines. Just last week, a local PBS station back home aired a documentary (now available on Netflix) titled All The Queen's Horses.
The whole scenario got me thinking -- I wonder what scandals other people's hometowns are known for. So I took to Facebook to ask.
"Hummmm well take your pick," shared Brenda. "We Had our Mayor's husband get s DUI it was pretty high profile. Or the the City Councilors that were both married get caught having an affair."
"Palm trees in front of city hall (in MN), mini cop cars (some residents called them piglets), all generously "donated" by a drug dealer," remembers Barb.
"Mayors (yes, plural) taking town money," says Julia. "City worker taking town money. Water tower built where there is no water."
"Bomb went off in post office in 1976," Lynette shares. "Case still unsolved."
"Double murder of the funeral home director & intern," adds Stephen.
"Mayor drove his SUV drunk and crashed into a snowbank," Andrew disapproves.
"Cannibal serial killer," shocks Mary Ellen.
What scandal is your hometown known for? Without using names, share it at the Facebook post above!

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