Top Phrases Said on a Minnesota Golf Course
I’ve golfed quite a few times in my life. That basically means that I’ve gone golfing more than most, but not as many as people that actually, you know, golf, golf.
This year I made it my mission to golf more times in 2020 than all my previous years...combined. I’ve got about 8-10 rounds to go. So I got that going for me, which is nice.
One thing you learn while golfing, or any sport, is that they all come with the "lingo" - certain phrases, cliches, or even actions, that you'll hear or see while playing them.
Even after golfing as much as I have in the past, I never heard, or really noticed, some of these lines before. After watching this video and playing as much as I have this year, it all came together. I've heard many of these phrases said (sometimes from myself) or saw/heard others say or do these things.
So if you have never played golf or only played golf a few times, and you’re wondering how accurate this (funny) video is - it's pretty much right on the money, for the most part.
Here are some common lines you’ll hear on a Minnesota golf course from one of my favorite YouTube channels.
"Bad day golfing is better than a good day at work"
"It would have been a pretty good hit if I would have hit it straight"
"I'm done playing golf after this"

St. Cloud area Signature Golf Holes as Chosen by the Golf Course Operators
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