Red Wing Shoes Promoting Jobs, Not Deals on Labor Day Weekend
A Minnesota based company, Red Wing Shoes, is shifting the focus from doorbuster deals on Labor Day Weekend to getting people back in the workforce.
Over the holiday weekend, 525 Red Wing Shoe stores across the country will be transformed into job centers in hopes to get more people back to work.
For 115 years, Red Wing has made boots for the workers who built America. But today, as you read this, more than 25 million people have lost their jobs across the country.
So this Labor Day, we are forgoing the promotion of boots to post job openings instead. And we’re calling on all brands to join us in posting any and all jobs they have, too.
Their goal is to turn this long weekend that is known for shopping and sales back into a day for the American worker. The company has also encouraged other brands to do the same thing, and many have risen to the occasion including Land O' Lakes, General Mills, New Balance, Polaris, and Northern Tool and Equipment.
If you are interested in jobs that Red Wing Shoes is hiring for, or a job that another involved company might have for you, you're encouraged to visit the Red WIng Shoes website. You can also follow along with the #LaborDayOn on social media sites including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
I love the idea of Red Wing Shoes reclaiming the narrative of Labor Day, and doing what they can to get people in Minnesota, and across the country, back to work. I look forward to seeing the results of this initiative.

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