Should Minnesota Have Youth Baseball and Softball This Year?
I love baseball, and I've really missed not being able to watch games. Not having baseball is one of the side-effects of social-distancing caused by this coronavirus pandemic, and it's been one of the worst ones for me.
For kids that play youth baseball, the thought of not being able to play this year must be hard for them. I know I looked forward to playing every year when I was a kid. But it turns out that our Minnesota youth might be able to take the diamond this year after all -- with some significant changes, of course. Take a look at the Gopher State Baseball - MYAS Facebook page below.
These guidelines are changing and growing as we move along in this process. If we are able to get the green light from the Governor's office, on May 11th the final guidelines will be posted. - Gopher State Baseball - MYAS
With the kind of modifications they are talking about, it would be interesting to see how it works. I know there are people for this idea and against it. Some want the kids to get out and be active after being cooped up for so long. Others think it's socially irresponsible to have baseball this soon. Here are some comments on the Gopher State Baseball - MYAS Facebook page.
I would like to have a survey that shows how parents feel about allowing kids to play the game how it was intended to be played and parents can sign a waiver of liability. Give the choice to the parents and families. “Play at own risk.” - Holly Wiertzema-Herrig
They cancelled the Little League World Series this year- please explain how you expect to keep the kids and fans safe that the LLWS thought they couldn't. - Nick Mehan
Kids need activities. Thanks for all you are doing to get them back on the field! - Karla Toft
Like many things right now, this is a hot button topic.
By the way, the photo is my son when he played youth baseball about 10 years ago.
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