University of Minnesota Infectious Disease Expert [WATCH]
Nothing is bigger right now than the COVID-19 coronavirus. We are having daily conversations about it with family, friends, co-workers and even complete strangers --and everybody as an opinion or conspiracy theory on it.
So when you really want to actually KNOW about something, you go to the experts.
That expert is Michael Osterholm. And when it comes to infectious diseases, this University of Minnesota professor knows what he is talking about. I'm certainly going to listen and trust him more than what my neighbor heard about on the internet.
You can jump to certain parts of the conversations with the timeline below.
:10 Intro
:40 How bad is Coronavirus
4:00 Is the virus an "old persons" disease
5:18 Incubation period
7:50 What can be done to prevent infection
13:45 Drug shortages
15:20 Sauna use effect on infections
18:00 Was Coronavirus man-made
22:00 Prions and deer diseases
32:00 Is Corona seasonal
35:00 Corona could be 10 times worse than the flu
35:25 Corona will stay around for months
36:10 Coronavirus vs Spanish flu
38:30 How can we prepare our immune system
43:20 Do hand sanitizers and masks work
50:00 We stockpile weapons more than medical goods
54:30 Will people panic if they are told the truth
56:00 Vaccines
1:02:00 Why a virus would originate from China
1:11:30 What to do if you get the flu
1:15:45 Lime disease and ticks
1:23:00 Effects of fire suppression on ecosystem
1:30:00 Vaccine for Coronavirus