Becker Looking for Economic Development Coordinator
BECKER -- The city of Becker is looking for an Economic Development Coordinator.
At Tuesday night's meeting, the Becker city council approved the job description and advertising budget for a new Economic Development Coordinator. City Administrator Greg Lerud explains the new position will be the point of contact for new business in the city.
The Economic Development Coordinator will be responsible for being the point person as we look to develop property, both commercial and residential. That point person would represent the city on various commissions, area boards, and groups where the city's involved.
Lerud says there are a number of large projects in the future, and as a result, they're looking for someone with experience in large projects.
Given what the potential is for development here, surrounding the Sherco property and Xcel-owned property, we're requiring some experience, not just an entry-level position. We want this person to have been involved in past development projects and have some sophistication for what might be coming.
The city will accept applications through mid-August. For more information, and a link to apply, click here.