Dave Thomas is a native of Western North Carolina, as if the accent didn't give it away. He has been avoiding a real job, meaning he has been in radio for 35 years. Dave got his start when he was 17. Dave's favorite bands are The Eagles, Def Leppard and Bon Jovi, but his musical taste is all over the board, which may have contributed to the length of his career.
Dave Thomas
Are You Eating These Foods That Could Impact Your Sleep?
If you're having trouble sleeping, the remedy could be as simple as avoiding certain foods or drinks before you got to bed.
Have You Gotten Your Vehicle Ready for the Minnesota Winter?
If you travel roads in Minnesota during the winter, here are some important tips that could help keep you safe and maybe even allow you to help someone else.
Girls in Minnesota Have The Chance Be A Part of Something Special
The new year can be one of fun and adventure for girls in Minnesota.
Minnesota School Districts Must Decide on Cell Phone Ban
After L.A. banned phones in schools, Minnesota Districts must decide what to do in their classrooms.
Have You Made This Common Costly Mistake Using Door Dash?
There's a common mistake people are making using Door Dash that they may not realize they've made until it's cost them money they didn't intend to spend.
Did You Know Minnesota Soybeans Are Helping Save Lives?
Minnesota Soybean Farmers have a relatively new market for their product, and it could help save your life.
Does Minnesota Have More Traffic Circles Than Any Other State?
It seems that you can't drive very far in Minnesota without encountering a traffic circle. So, do we have the most in the country?
Do Christmas Decorations Hold A Special Power for Minnesotans?
Decorating for Christmas can be about more than just showing your holiday spirit, it can be good for your mental health too.
Do Not “Discard” This Simple Sourdough Pizza Recipe
If simple recipes are your favorite and you can get your hands on some sourdough bread "discard", this one is perfect for you.
Central Minnesota Thrift Store Features Unique Christmas Treasures
This Minnesota thrift store offers a big selection of Christmas decorations at very affordable prices.