Central Minnesota Homes Needed For Dogs Looking for Love
For those of us who own pets, dogs in particular, we know how they fulfill our lives. When we have bad days at work, or do something kind of dumb, our pets seem to not know, or not even care.

When we’re sick, most of the time they stick right with us, trying to make us feel better. A lot of the time, they’ll snuggle with us when we lay down. Just anything to be close to us.
If you’ve been thinking about adding a dog into your life, Saturday just may be the day you’ve been waiting on. Arrows Heart Animal Rescue is holding an event Saturday at the PetSmart in Waite Park from 12-5pm.
Arrows Heart has a desire to see their adult dogs find a home, and this Saturday during the event, it is a 100% no adoption fee day for adult dogs.
Adult dogs still have plenty of love to offer and can help you feel better about any situation you’re going through. My wife and I have adopted a few “older” dogs over the years and have found them to fit right into our family and give as much love as they received.
Of course, you’ve got to find the dog that fits your household and life the best, so talking with the members of the group about what you have to offer as well as what you’re looking for is important to make the right connection.
If your heart is set on adopting a puppy, you can spin the wheel and it may land on a free fee or you could get 50% off the adoption fee.
As if you needed any additional incentive, anyone who adopts a pet on Saturday gets a coupon book and free bag of food from PetSmart.
Don’t miss out on the love and happiness that could be added to your home, join Arrows Heart Animal Rescue Saturday in Waite Park.
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