Comedy Night at Benton Station for February 29th
You want that laugh. You need that laugh. You can get that laugh at Benton Station this Saturday Night. Two comedians and live music to follow. Door open at 8 pm, comedy starts at 8:30 pm. Listen all week to win and get on the guest list for you and up to 3 other people.
Headliner: Gabe Noah
Hailing from northern MN, Gabe started his writing career as
an aspiring novelist, until he figured out that its easier to write
jokes than well rounded characters, and applause breaks
come along more often than three book deals. If there is any
truth to the old adage that you write what you know, than Mr.
Noah inhabits a twisted world indeed. His ability to double
audiences over with laughter while simultaneously prodding
their sensibilities clearly marks him as one of the most
original comedic voices of the vibrant Minneapolis comedy
scene. Gabe just signed a recording deal with emmy winning
StandUP! Records

Featured Comedian: Brady Gregurich
Give him a mic and enjoy your night. All bets are off with
Brady’s take on all things from dating at 31 to being the crazy
Uncle. He tours the Midwest hitting stages in Duluth, Madison,
Stevens Point, Minneapolis and DePere, including the ACME
Comedy Club in Minneapolis and the Skyline Comedy Cafe in
Appleton WI. He is also one of the organizers for the annual
Chuckles for Charity show to benefit charities supporting
children battling childhood cancer. Since stumbling on stage 3
years ago he has worked with some of the greatest
comedians touring today including Doug Stanhope, Bob Zany,
Jamie Utley, Pauly Shore, Geoff LaFleur, Jeremy Danley, Steve
Simeone, and Frank Roche.
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