When you decide to create a mascot for your company, it might be a good idea to make sure it can't be confused with anything else, especially if you're a restaurant!

No, it's not supposed to be a piece of poop...it's a sausage! Twitter users are having a blast with this one. 

Denny's has an animated YouTube series called "The Grand Slams", and the sausage is one of the characters in the series. They've decided to use this little fella in their restaurants as a standing cardboard character to greet patrons, but it honestly looks more like poop on a couple sticks (as legs) that was taken from the recent Minnesota State Fair -vs- a friendly sausage.

We're not sure how long they'll let this "poop mascot" survive. If you want to see this so-called "sausage", you'll have to take a drive to Otsego, which is the closest Denny's to St. Cloud. Hurry though, I have a feeling it will be pulled very quickly.


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