Watching reality TV competition shows, it’s always easy for us to say, “I would’ve done this” or “that’s such an easy contest, I could’ve done that so much better”.  

The truth is when the tables are turned, and you’re in the action, it’s not as easy as it looks sitting on your couch.  

I’ve got a friend who appeared on “Wheel of Fortune” last year, and he said it all goes by so quickly, and when the lights come on, it goes so fast, and you’re just trying to enjoy the experience and keep up trying to win money.  

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If you are a fan of the TV Show “Survivor”, this may be a chance for you to experience  some of what the contestants go through, at least from a challenges stand point. 

In Plymouth Minnesota on two occasions, there will be a three-hour event that you can join. This event will include solving puzzles, developing strategy and voting members off.  

attachment-Plymouth Mn on the Map

Even if you’re voted off, you will still have an opportunity to participate in what is called a twist that the real game doesn’t have.  

The first opportunity to participate is on February 2nd, and the other will be in March on the 8th. Both events will be held from 6-9pm and both dates are on Fridays, so you don’t have to worry about getting up for work the next day.  

The cost is $29 for residents, and $35 for non-Plymouth residents. These events will be held at the Plymouth Community Center. All abilities are welcome at this event. The instructor, or “the Jeff Probst” if you will, will be Brent Barkey.  

You need to register for this class and space is limited.  


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