Here’s Why All Flags are Flown Half-Staff Today in Minnesota
If you're seeing all the flags in the state being flown at half-staff today, it's to mark a very special anniversary close to all of our hearts.
Governor Mark Dayton has ordered all U.S. and Minnesota flags at all state and federal buildings in Minnesota to be flown at half-staff today to remember the 10 year anniversary of the I-35W bridge collapse that happened in Minneapolis today in 2007.
It seems like yesterday that we heard the awful news that had us glued to our televisions as coverage of the bridge collapse and recovery attempt of hundreds of people that fell to the Mississippi River below.
Most of us remembered having crossed that bridge at some point in our lives, and trying to imagine the hell those people on the bridge were feeling. We can all remember calling our friends and family to make sure none of them were on that bridge at the time.
Governor Dayton's Proclamation says the following about today:
Minnesotans have set aside this day to honor and remember the victims; to off er continued sympathy and support to impacted families and communities; and in further recognition and gratitude to police officers, fire and rescue personnel, and other first responders.
13 people died, and 145 were injured in the collapse that happened at 6:05pm during rush-hour in the Twin Cities. There was construction work happening on the bridge at the time, which led to speculation that the weight of the equipment on the bridge was the cause. The collapse was eventually found to be due to a bad gusset plate design that supported the center of the bridge.
The bridge has since been rebuilt and has many high-tech features that include night lighting that can change colors remotely. When Prince died, the bridge was lit in all purple...the color Prince was known for.
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