Pelicans Use Minnesota Lake As Rest Stop
The show “Game of Thrones” famously quoted multiple times, “Winter is Coming”. And it is. Many people around Minnesota are making preparations to get ready for it.

Maybe it’s cutting and splitting wood to heat your home. You may have already started pulling out your winter clothing that has been tucked away while you enjoyed the warmer weather months.
But as I said, Winter is Coming.
Humans aren’t the only ones getting ready for the colder weather that will soon be blasting through the area. Birds are doing the same. They’re starting to migrate south, so they don’t freeze.
Bloomington was a landing zone this week for a bunch of Pelicans that made a pit stop at Long Meadow Lake. Bob Dunlap, who is a zoologist and data specialist with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, told Fox 9 that it’s not uncommon to see hundreds of pelicans in southern Minnesota during the year.
He said the pelicans were “loafing” on Long Meadow Lake and other lakes eating fish and storing up energy for the rest of their journey south.
Dunlap told the TV station that if the weather remains mild and warm in the area, he could see the pelicans staying a while. Once the temperatures begin to fall, the pelicans will likely start their trek to the warmer weather zones.
This is especially likely when the winds from the North begin to blow consistently, which will aid them in their flights. So, you’ve still got time to see the large number of pelicans that gathered if you want the chance to score some great pictures.
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