Rochester Brewery Puts Critic’s Negative Review Onto Bday T-shirt
A Rochester, MN brewery celebrated its 2nd anniversary by putting its worst critic's reviews on commemorative birthday t-shirts!
Last week, Thesis Beer Project in Rochester, MN turned two years old. Celebrating another year around the sun (despite the setbacks of COVID-19 no less), the youngester brewery threw a grand ol' party filled with yoga, arts and crafts, live music, adult slushies, BBQ, ice cream and -- of course -- beer.
While some breweries might have recognized the occasion with specialty t-shirts featuring cute well wishes or slogans like "Happy Birthday to Us!" or "Making MN Beer Great Since 2019!", the folks at Thesis Brewing Project chose to go another route -- getting t-shirts with their worst critic's comments printed on them.
"To celebrate another trip around the sun," Thesis posted on Facebook, "we went back through all of our reviews and picked our favorite (not so nice) review that we think best encapsulates the past year. While many of you came back each week to see what’s new on tap, one particular Untappd user was not a fan. Congrats Paul, you are officially Reviewer #2."
The review -- submitted to the beer review app Untappd -- was left by a user named, simply, Paul. Of a blueberry stout titled Beanbag Money Paul left a three-star review out of five, saying, "This place is trying too hard to make beer not taste like beer." Of a peanut butter blonde ale named Thesis Pieces Paul said "This beer is trying to identify as a peanut butter cup...honestly I should rate it better, but it is almost trying too hard."
"We have to admit we are confused why such a beer purist didn't try or review our Helles, Vienna Lager, Rauchbier, Hefeweizen, Belgian Tripel, Belgian Quad, West Coast IPA or Red Ale that were also on tap at the time," Thesis Brewing Project continued in their post, "and instead went straight for the Blueberry Stout and the Peanut Butter Blonde." Able to laugh about it nonetheless, they even went so far as to congratulate "Paul" and invite him back for a free t-shirt and beer on the house.