Survive the Drive: Essential Road Trip Hacks for ParentsSurvive the Drive: Essential Road Trip Hacks for ParentsHere are some hacks to make your travel time with the kiddos this holiday a little less chaotic.DanielleDanielle
WATCH: These Genius Hacks Show We’ve Been Cutting Fruit All WrongWATCH: These Genius Hacks Show We’ve Been Cutting Fruit All WrongYou may be surprised to discover that there are some tricks to fruit cutting that will make enjoying your produce so much easier. DanielleDanielle
You’ve Been Singing the ABCs Wrong—This Will Blow Your MindYou’ve Been Singing the ABCs Wrong—This Will Blow Your MindWhat if we told you that there's a way to sing the "ABC" song that will better help your kids learn the alphabet? DanielleDanielle
Did You Know McDonald’s Happy Meal Boxes Are Actually Trays?Did You Know McDonald’s Happy Meal Boxes Are Actually Trays?This tray transformation has been hiding in plain sight from us this entire time.DanielleDanielle
This Simple Kitchen Hack Will Save You Money and It’s a Total Game ChangerThis Simple Kitchen Hack Will Save You Money and It’s a Total Game ChangerRemoving stains from Tupperware is actually fun now. Yeah, I said it: fun. Stephen LenzStephen Lenz
Why You Absolutely Shouldn't Dump Salt Down Your DrainsWhy You Absolutely Shouldn't Dump Salt Down Your DrainsWait, how come no one told us this?Rob CarrollRob Carroll
WATCH: Dad Wins Playtime With Brilliant Baseball HackWATCH: Dad Wins Playtime With Brilliant Baseball HackOne dad found a hack to make playtime fun for all (and relaxing for parents.)DanielleDanielle
Become ‘Lord’ of the Flies With These Two Common Grocery ItemsBecome ‘Lord’ of the Flies With These Two Common Grocery ItemsDo you know of any other summer 'life' hacks? Maybe it's an old 'wives tale' that works well for you. If you feel like sharing it, hit us up on the app and message us. Paul SheaPaul Shea
Did You Know That These ‘Weeds’ Are Great For Mosquito Bites?Did You Know That These ‘Weeds’ Are Great For Mosquito Bites?I had no idea that something growing in the lawn could be used to soothe mosquito bites. Paul SheaPaul Shea
WATCH: The Secret to Folding a Fitted Sheet Without HassleWATCH: The Secret to Folding a Fitted Sheet Without HassleSay goodbye to fitted sheet frustration!DanielleDanielle