Top Things That Minnesotans Look Forward To Every Weekend
I would bet actually, real money, that everyone in Minnesota could rattle off a massive list of things that would make the thought of a weekend exciting.
We were curious as to what the most popular responses would be.
Not surprisingly, 'sleeping in' was a popular answer.
"Sleep in", "Sleeping in!!", "not getting up early"
This answer was also popular, which ties into the last one a little bit.
"Not having to work", "not going to work", "no workee"
A popular response was anything to do with freedom of choice.
"More free time," "Getting projects done," "Getting to pick my responsibilities."
It's not surprising that a lot of people referred to the lake; it is Minnesota.
"Enjoying life with loved ones at the lake", "Spending time at the lake"
There are always funny, sarcastic, or strange answers.
(Sometimes it's a combo of all of them)
"What's "weekend?"
I feel this person's pain. The week's blend together with work. Thank god for calendars.
"To get away from people."
If COVID hasn't been enough of a break from people for you, you got some serious issues.
But the most unique, funny, and strange answer we got, was amazingly detailed (I think one of my co-workers gave this answer because it could be me that they're referring to):
"Two days away from my micro-managing boss, who treats us all like children, even though we’re adults. Seriously, his wife must dread the weekends!"
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