Hilarious Billboard in St. Cloud also has an Important Message
Every now and then something catches your attention that stands out for a long time, and one of those things happened to me Saturday morning.

My wife and I were running an errand on the way to the grocery store and while sitting at a stop light, something caught my eye, that at first had me a little puzzled.
At first, I wasn’t sure what I was looking at, I thought it was a small child that was wearing an 80’s hair style wig. But upon further review, what I saw caused my wife and I to laugh hysterically for a few minutes.
St. Cloud Surgical Center has a billboard near the mall at the Intersection of Highway 15 and Division Street in St. Cloud, that has a very important message on it about who should be getting a colonoscopy.
Anyone who grew up in the 80’s sometimes looks back at our hairstyle choices and wonders, “What the _____ were we thinking?”. I mean look at the rock bands that did so well back in the day, need I say more.
Now that we’re older, our hair, for those who still have it, is dramatically different. But so are our bodies. The message on this billboard says “if you had this hair, it’s time for a colonoscopy.
As someone who has had two of the procedures, I can speak of the importance of having them done. Making sure that we take care of ourselves and have preventative measures taken so we can be as healthy as we can be.
It may be uncomfortable during the procedure, but having it done could help avoid more difficult and painful procedures down the road.
Colon Cancer is nothing to laugh about, but this billboard shares a great message while also creating a great laugh. Whoever came up with this idea, nicely done. Nicely done indeed.
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