How To Have The Cool House In Central Minnesota This Halloween
Halloween is a little more than 2 weeks away, there’s a lot of preparation going on right now to have the right costume, or to try and avoid eating the candy you bought for the Trick or Treaters.
If you plan to pass out candy this year, you too can be doing some prep work so that you and your guests enjoy the experience. I found some useful tips from the City of Roseville. If you plan to pass out sweet treats to kids, here are some things that you need to remember about having costumed guests on your property, make sure your outside/porch light is on, so they know you have goodies for them. Have a well-lit path to get to your door, this way no one falls and gets hurt. And don’t leave candles unattended, for obvious reasons.

If you have pets, remember they live there too, and all the extra traffic and noise may cause them some distress.
Our dog Latte hates to hear a doorbell, or knocking on a door, even on TV, as the picture above shows, she's sitting on my chest when a doorbell on TV sounded. If your pet is the same way, make sure they’re safe and feel comfortable with all these little and maybe big folks who are dressed in costumes coming into their space. Also, make sure your pet doesn’t eat candy, chocolate can be deadly for pets, and they can choke on the wrappers.
For those who don’t want to pass out candy, that’s ok if you don’t. Just make sure your outside light is off. Hopefully you won’t be bothered and can enjoy the evening.
And for everyone, remember there will be excited children walking through neighborhoods, please use caution when driving. Let’s all make this a happy and safe Halloween.
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