MnDOT: Billion this Year on Projects. Central Minnesota Included
When winter season finally leaves, our next season will be here -- construction season. Here's what huge MnDOT projects are going to mess up traffic in central Minnesota soon.
We have a love/hate relationship with MnDOT around this time every year. From potholes to cracked pavement, we urge them to get them fixed. When they finally decide to fix them though, we hate what delays the cause when we're trying to get from point A to B.
This is going to be an epic year for road construction projects going on, as MnDOT has over a BILLION dollars set aside to snarl up traffic all over Minnesota this entire spring through fall season.
So what are some of the big projects they plan to tackle up here in central Minnesota? Here's just a couple that are long overdue, but guaranteed to make you frustrated for a couple months.
Hwy 10 — Clear Lake to Big Lake
Description: Reconstruct eastbound Hwy 10 road surface and improve the access at Hwy 10, and County Rd 23/Sherburne Ave with a new Reduced Conflict Intersection in Becker.
Construction dates: June to October 2018
Traffic impacts: Single lane traffic on both directions, plan for delays, narrow lanes, access road changes. Temp signal at Hwy 25 in Becker.
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I-94 — Clearwater to Monticello
Description: Diamond grind (smoothen) eastbound and westbound driving lanes.
Construction dates: April-May 2018
Traffic impacts: Overnight non-rush hour lane closures
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I-94 — Monticello
Description: The city of Monticello to construct a new Fallon Avenue overpass at I-94, west of Hwy 25, between Chelsea Rd and 7th St, includes roundabouts at Chelsea Rd, 7th St and Washington St in Monticello.
Construction dates: April-October 2018
Traffic impacts: Shoulder closures on I-94
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Hwy 238 — Albany
Description: Reconstruct Highway 238 between Railroad Avenue and Stearns CR 10, near North Lake, includes new city utilities and pedestrian sidewalks.
Construction dates: June to mid-September 2018
Traffic impacts: Detour in Albany
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I'm hoping that St. Cloud also has some plans to follow through on some of their own projects. According to their website, they are planning the following this year:
33rd Street South - This project includes the reconstruction of 33rd Street South from Southway Drive to Heritage Drive with a four lane divided roadway and sidewalk and trail facilities.
7th Street North Mill and Overlay - This project includes resurfacing 7th Street North from 12th to 25th Avenue North.
7th Street South and Washington Memorial Drive Mill and Overlay - This project includes resurfacing 7th Street South from 9th Avenue South to Washington Memorial Drive and Washington Memorial Drive from TH 23 to University Drive.