Yesterday I was watching the live update from Governor Walz and the Minnesota Health Department that happens daily.  Lately, it's been over the phone, but yesterday was again in person.

The health department, along with some consulting doctors and also Governor Walz were talking about how the numbers in Minnesota have been trending up in COVID cases.  We are apparently going back to the numbers we had around April.  They also made mention that these cases seem to be coming mostly from private gatherings.  These gatherings include house parties or get-togethers, weddings, one, in particular, was recent including 275 guests with no masks or social distancing, and funerals. They also made a point to say that they didn't think that the spike was due to the bars and restaurants.  Most of these places have been complying with the restrictions.

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So, if that is the case, why would they be talking about "turning back the dial" on businesses again?  Personally, I think that if this were to happen, you would almost have more people gathering together in private settings.  People are getting very "COVID weary".  Meaning that even though the risk may still be there, people are still willing to possibly put their families and friend at a supposed risk because they want to start "living their lives" again with some normalcy.

This was from yesterday's news conference:

(from KARE 11)

Maybe this is just because we are entering Labor Day weekend, and chances for people to get together in a social way is pretty probable.  And he's urging us not to do that with a lot of people.  Also with school starting, there is a heightened risk as well.

I'm not sure what the right answer is, but closing down businesses again doesn't seem like the right one when they have established that businesses aren't the big issue.  Again, just my opinion.

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