Panera Offering to Cater Your Wedding for Free
If you're planning to pop the question to your sweetheart on Valentines Day then you might want to head to St. Cloud's Panera restaurant. They might offer to cater your wedding!
We live in a world of social media, so it's not odd to see stores and restaurants doing crazy holiday promotions that involve mentioning them in your online status updates to get some free stuff. This time it's Panera and they're offering the chance to have them cater your wedding reception for free -- if you propose to your significant other in their store on Valentines Day!
I'd like to give you a couple things to think about before you go ahead and change your plans to do this. First of all, your S.O. might not appreciate a public proposal in front of a ton of people, especially if she doesn't have her heart set on getting married to you. The other thing to keep in mind is that you're not guaranteed to get a free catered wedding IF you decide to go ahead with this. Yes, the St. Cloud Panera will be part of this promotion, but it's a nationwide deal with all the Panera's in the country and they're only giving away 5 catered weddings.
If you're still set on giving it a shot then here's what you have to do:
- You need to post a photo of you proposing at a Panera on your social media page (Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter).
- In your photo post you need to add the super cheesy hashtag of #PaneraProposalSweeps. I could think of a hundred better hashtags, but it is what it is.
- This all has to be done between 8am and 10:59pm on Wednesday, Valentines Day. The St. Cloud Panera is open at 6am and closes at 9pm, so you're all good around here.
Again, before you decide to do this, think about this being the ONE TIME event that your S.O. will always remember, and when somebody asks how you proposed...you get what I'm saying (I hope).
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