Word has it the man also rides around town dressed as a banana, a Coke bottle, Gumby, Spiderman and dressed up in a dozen other costumes.

A short video posted to Reddit shows a "T-rex" riding a Segway through a Minnesota community. "It's 100 degrees, and things in the neighborhood are getting weird," Reddit user u/NorthernPikes captioned his video. The clip -- which is only six seconds long -- shows someone dressed in an inflatable T-rex costume riding the self-balancing, motorized personal transporter past on the sidewalk.

(If video above does not show refresh page or click here)

It's not clear who the individual inside the costume is, though some in the Reddit post believe it to be a local resident nicknamed "Banana Man."

"I presume this is Fridley's banana man with a new costume," says the same person who shared the video. "First encountered this person at a four-way stop. One other car and I were not moving for quite some time while trying to assess the situation. I think we both thought we were hallucinating."

"This is him," confirms another. "He rides past my house almost everyday. He's usually in a banana or Mario suit, but this one's new."

USA Today actually did a story in 2015 on Minnesota's "Banana Man," also known as Matt Birr. In 2009, Birr was just 19 years old and 10 weeks into his first deployment in Afghanistan when he was struck in the back of the head by an enemy bullet.

"I have a seizure disorder, some memory loss issues and headaches that just won't go away sometimes," Birr told USA Today. He also lost his vision on the left side in both eyes, and a part of his skull has been replaced by a ceramic plate. Unable to drive a vehicle or work a "normal" job, he rides his Segway -- which was donated by Segs4Vets -- around Fridley, dressed up, bringing joy to others.

"Did I get a smile on your face?" he asks. "Well, then my job's done." It appears that the T-rex may be the latest in Birr's large collection of costumes. "Seeing people looking at me, smiling, waving at me, asking me why I do these things ... that for the most part reassures me, hey, there's something more I need to do here."

You can read Birr aka Banana Man's full story with USA Today here.

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