I've been much more carb conscious that I have been in the past.  I just hear way too many things that are not positive about eating too many carbs.  We are moving into the Summer months, and usually there are cookouts and other functions where maybe you'd like to have a few adult bevies.  And if you are really watching your carb intake, it gets to somewhat of a slippery slope when you add the drinks in.

Mario Tama/Getty Images
Mario Tama/Getty Images

 I did some research... what can you drink that has a lower calorie and carb content?  Sometimes the low carb beer tastes so watered down, and you may feel like you should just drink water at that point.  Regular alcohol generally has NO carbs... but unless you drink it straight, you add carbs back in with the mix.  So.. here is what I found out.  LOTS of options that I didn't know about before.

So... check out this list and figure out what is best to drink depending on what type of libation you would like to have...


You're welcome.

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