Here’s How Central Minnesotan’s Plan to Spend $10,000
When it comes to suddenly having $10,000, your brain starts making plans before thinking it through. The "what if's" start creepy in. Okay, that's an understatement. They flood in like a desert during a monsoon.
If you’re like me, a lot of things go through your mind. How would I spend $10,000? I am not 100% sure but I’ve got the list going in my head. And it's filled with wants and needs.
For instance, I would love to take my wife to Jamaica but there are bigger concerns. I would also love to buy my wife a new car. But again, bigger concerns.
The thing I would love to get her the most, and fits into the need more than want list -- at least long term investment equity -- is a new kitchen. I understand that 10K would not pay for all of it, but that amount of money (minus taxes) would take a decent sized chunk out of that expense.

So what would you do with $10,000? We asked our listeners on the 96.7 The River Facebook page. Debra Minick is in the same "remodel" mindset as me. But there is no wrong answer here, and here’s what some of you said:
Remodel the kitchen and a bathroom in my house. - Debra Minick Keiser
Pay down my kids’ student loans. - Nicky Lahr
I would pay toward student loan because I’m responsible.
But I would rather replace my kitchen counter tops. - Stephanie Serocki
Vacation to a tropical destination with the family. All the kids, their partners, parents and grandchildren. A week together would be awesome. - Bill Biggerstaff
Pay off my car and save the rest. - Mark Stimack
Brenda DuffyOpen a cat shelter like Luckys Place was. - Brenda Duffy
Replace furniture or holiday shopping. - Missy Ann Kraemer
Go back to Hawaii for sure. - Rene Krueger
Good luck to everyone trying to win cash on 96.7 The River. Hopefully, you get that $10,000 and fulfill a dream.
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