How Much Does Sitting in Traffic Cost Minnesotan’s Each Year?
Depending on where you live, traffic can be heavier or lighter because of the volume of people you live around. And of course, the time of day you’re traveling makes a difference also.
I don’t know about you, but sitting in traffic is one of my weak points. I have the hardest time just accepting the fact that there’s a slowdown and it will eventually open back up to the normal flow.
That’s the reason this study caught my attention. Our friends at Wallethub studied the impact sitting in traffic can have. Everyone knows that it makes you late, or later than you had planned. And there are a lot of people out there like me who don’t handle that position very well and then tempers flare and things get out of hand.
The money website estimates that sitting in traffic costs American drivers $771 and we spend around 43 hours sitting still per year. Again, these numbers could be higher or lower depending on where you are.
They looked at all 50 states and used 31 indicators to come to the determinations they have published. So how does Minnesota fare when it comes to sitting in traffic and traveling?
The state’s overall score came in 12th with a score of 61.59. When you look at the individual factor of cost of ownership and maintenance of a vehicle in Minnesota, we’re 20th out of the 50 states.
Our traffic and infrastructure rankings were lower at 25th in the country, but there is good news. Minnesota is the 14th safest state to drive in according to these findings, which is interesting considering how aggressive some people are behind the wheel.
Again, there were 31 factors that were quantified to get these final numbers, and there’s always a bit of a curve up or down from what the numbers really are, but this gives you a rough idea at least how we rank versus other states.
I think the main thing is that if you find yourself stuck in traffic a lot, according to this, it could be worse.
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