POLL: ‘What’s the First Thing Minnesotans Will Do After Virus?’
Last week we asked you to finish the sentence:
"When things get back to 'normal', the first thing I'm going to do is......"
We got a lot of responses that ranged from funny to heart-warming. Some people want to see and hug loved ones they haven't been able to -- others want to go shopping or go out to eat and actually sit down inside the restaurant.
A couple of people left GIF's like Rick, who will go dancing John Travolta style and Mark, who just wants to run like Forrest Gump. See what other Minnesotans said they're going to do.
Lynette - Go shopping for nonessential stuff, like at Crafts Direct!!
Michelle - Hugs everyone
Gina - Go to Grandma's!
Karen - Hug my children and grandchildren
Beverly - Get together with my bff's..do anything, just visit...n many hugs!
Theresa - head to the thrift store to shop! I bet folks are cleaning out their house and I want to reap the treasures
Suzie - We are throwing a bash🍻🍻🍻
Linda - Go see my Mom&Dad❤😓❤❤
Jason - I do miss sitdown restaurants and bars
Curly - Go to the nursing home to see mom
Karen - Same here Sis can’t wait to see mom, you and Brenda
Kristin - Pedicure
Lynn - Have my family over for a barbecue!
Troy - Get hammered in public with my lady and my friends
Heidi - Take a day off.
Abigail: Sit down at The White Horse and order dinner and a beer.
Sandy - Library.
Keith - Thank God
Lynn Rae - Haircut to fix the one I did all by myself!
Marilyn - Praise the Lord !!!!!!!
Krissy - Go see my nieces and nephews and hug and kiss them all soo much!
Wendy - Get my nails did! And possibly get my hair fixed
Deborah - See my friends, Eat out and go shopping

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