What Food is Most Popular in Central Minnesota at Christmas?
Well, we’re less than a week away from Christmas. The countdown clock is starting to tick louder and louder as we prepare for the big day.
Whether you’re trying to finish up your shopping or get the house cleaned up for the family and friends that will be headed your way, there’s a lot to do.
There’s also the cooking aspect of Christmas. In my family, it seemed like the same people had the same responsibilities each year to bring their “specialties” if you will, the dishes they make that everyone enjoys.
I was thinking about that recently and I asked our listeners to chime in on our station Facebook page and through our mobile app about what food they were most looking forward to this Christmas.
As you might imagine, Christmas cookies were a very popular answer. Jennifer, Karen, Patty, Trista Kristina, Sandra and Cindy all gave that as one of their answers.
Lefse was a popular answer too. Dave, Beth and Kristina all gave that as an answer. I’m from North Carolina, and not familiar with Lefse at all. The origin of Lefse is Norwegian and it is a soft flatbread made with potatoes, flour, butter, milk, cream and lard.
Jody responded with ham and all the treats, I guess there’s too many treats to choose from to highlight one or two.
Jose said he was most looking forward to enjoying tamales and pozole.
Scott’s answer had a Thanksgiving vibe to it, stuffing or dressing. He’s not picky.
Patty added she was really looking forward to her sister’s deviled eggs.
Shawn chimed in with Russian Tea Cakes
Nate and Tina both had different answers that are right my alley. Nate can’t wait for the smoked brisket and Tina will be smoking prime rib on her smoker.
Then we got a couple of really honest answers, Kathy says the variety of things that are available, again there’s a power to not being picky.
Joyce had a similar sentiment when she said anything that she doesn’t have to cook herself.
Whatever the food is that you are looking forward to the most, my hope is you have plenty of it along with time with those you love and cherish the most. Have a blessed holiday season.
LOOK: Here's the signature side dish from each state
Gallery Credit: Stacker